EPIC-Oxford study


EPIC-Europe study의 일환으로 옥스퍼드 대학에서 진행하는 연구.

EPIC-Oxford is the Oxford component of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). The study began in the 1990s and follows the health of 65,000 men and women living throughout the UK, many of whom are vegetarian. The main objective of EPIC Oxford is to examine how diet influences the risk of cancer, particularly for the most common types of cancer in Britain, as well as the risks of other chronic diseases. … To date, research in EPIC-Oxford has focused on the associations of diet, especially vegetarian diets, with the risks of cancer, Ischemic heart disease, other chronic diseases and mortality, as well as studies of the associations of diet with blood levels of nutrients, hormones, cholesterol and other biomarkers.

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